Hello hello! My name is Lydia Campbell. I am a Senior at the University of Tulsa studying Computer Information Systems with a minor in Business Analytics. I am creating this portfolio as a TU student sharing my work for my Game Design Concepts class. I hope to encourage novice gamers to enjoy my simple games.
I hope to make fun interactive games that challenge the user. My goal is to tinker and play with my games before others view them. It is essential that these games create an atmosphere of growth, competitiveness, and engagement for the gaming industry.
As a woman, I hope to make this industry a more inviting places for all genders. I want females to be encouraged and challenged just like our male counter-parts. It is essential that I can make games that are inclusive and allow a diverse audience to partake in gaming. It does not matter what background you are from, or what you identify as, but that you are welcomed to a community that enjoys games.
Please enjoy my itch.io and visit my blog!